E:9 25 Gambling Tips from a 30 Year Gambler
Opening Monologue
Guilty Pleasures - KENO
25 Tips from a 30 year Gambler!
E:8 Understanding House Edge 101
Opening Monologue
Podcasters Talking Podcasting
Understanding House Edge 101
Episode #7 Trouble at the Taj and Super Caesars Palace
Opening Monologue
Trouble at the Trump Taj Mahal!
- Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort issued a strongly-worded ultimatum to Unite Here Local 54 on Wednesday as striking workers took their fight to Carl Icahn’s Manhattan office.“We want to be clear - once this offer expires, it’s gone,” reads the two-page letter telling the union it has until Monday at 5 p.m. to accept an offer on the table. Nearly 1,000 Local 54 members at Trump Taj Mahal have been on strike since July 1. The union represents bartenders, servers, porters and other hospitality workers.
Super Caesars Palace
- “The object is to win lots of money starting with $2000 that the player takes to the casino. After playing, the player leaves in either a limo, a Greyhound bus or in a taxi. The game even informs the player of his or her slow play. A warning pops up on the screen and if it is unheeded, then the player is forced to do a certain action against his or her will. When the player finally leaves the casino using the transportation offer to him or her, the credits appear as road signs along the desert highway and the player has to restart his or her game. Games include blackjack, slot machines, roulette, horse racing, Keno, video poker, and Red Dog.” - WIKIPEDIA
SHOUT OUTS! Roman philosopher Seneca has a few words…
Episode #6 Craps Talk - 3 Point Molly Trials
Opening Monologue
- Fourth of July
- Atlantic City Update
Podcasters talking Podcasts
- Food Non-Fiction #35 - The Business of Casino Food
- “This is the story of how Las Vegas became a destination market for gambling. How the nature of destination markets created competition amongst the many casinos. How casino food amenities were used as a competitive tool, and how casino restaurants have changed overtime from Buffet to gourmet
- Gambling Legalization, Resorts of the 40’s, Originally Cheap/Free food as a draw to gamble or loss leaders, Food keeps people gambling longer so the house can keep its edge, Buckaroo Buffet was $1, Several good quick interviews that are farmed nicely. Great information for anybody curious about how/why casino dining is the way it is today.
What is the 3 Point Molly in Craps
-How do I play this system?
-How much does it cost?
-Exclusive Results from Cousin Vito’s 3 Point Molly trials from his future book
-Download to get the details on original craps betting trials and book Cousin Vito has been working on!
Golden States Warriors or The Field?
- With Kevin Durant are they unbeatable?
- Warriors -125 or ANYBODY ELSE +225
Thanks to VegasFanBoy.com youcanbetonthat.com and FacesandacesLV.com for that awesome shout!
Luck is what Happens when preparation meets opportunity. Roman Philosopher Seneca