E:54 High Limit Slots and Low Limit Fun with Brian Christopher
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Opening Monologue
High Limit Slots and Low Limit Fun with Brian Christopher
FARGO Poker and Mike’s Pokerface
Cousin Vito’s Pigskin Picks and Pigskin Pick'em
E:53 Frugal Gambling with The Queen of Comps Jean Scott
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
An Interview with the Queen of Comps - Jean Scott
Fall Annual Recreational Gambling Outing FARGO
Cousin Vito’s Pigskin Picks and Pigskin PIck'em
E:52 Casino Trips, Big News, and Football Betting 101
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Opening Monologue
Cousin Vito’s Pigskin Picks and Pigskin PIck'em
Football Betting 101 with Sports Book Tom
E:51 Back to the Boardwalk with Nick Huba from the Press of Atlantic City Part 2
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Cousin Vito's Callin'
Back to the Boardwalk with Nick Huba from the Press of Atlantic City
Casino’s from Around The World - Aruba
Boardwalk Memories
E:50 Back to the Boardwalk with Nick Huba from the Press of Atlantic City Part 1
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Cousin Vito’s Favorite Sitcoms to Feature Gambling
Back to the Boardwalk with Nick Huba from the Press of Atlantic City
E:49 Ask a Casino Owner with Derek Stevens and more!
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Opening Monologue
Ask a Casino Owner with Derek Stevens
Gambling Confessions and Gambling Influences
Catching up with Heather Ferris from Vegas-Aces.com
E:48 Tips for Throwing a Casino Party and the 360 Vegas Vacation Finale
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Tips for Planning a Casino Bash
Three Days on the Las Vegas Strip - Day Three
E:47 Vito Las Vegas - A 360 Vegas Vacation Trip Report
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Opening Monologue
Fighting for Cash
Three Days on the Las Vegas Strip - Day One
Cousin Vito’s Top Seven
Three Days on the Las Vegas Strip - Day Two
E:46 High Limit Slots, Interesting Vegas Facts, and Drunken Gambling with Scott from Vital Vegas!
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
High Limit Slots, Drunken Gambling, and Vegas Insight with Scott from Vital Vegas!
E:45 Ask the Annoyed Pit Boss 2 Part 2 and 360 Vegas Vacation Musings
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Opening Monologue
Cousin Vito’s Lucky Top Seven
Ask the Annoyed Pit Boss 2 Part 2
Join Cousin Vito’s Fantasy Football League
E:44 Las Vegas Vacation Packing and Traveling Tips with Vegas Fanboy
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Tips for Packing for a Las Vegas Vacation with Vegas Fanboy
Vito Las Vegas
E:43 Ask the Annoyed Pit Boss II Part 1
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Opening Monologue
Ask the Annoyed Pit Boss 2 Part 1
Upcoming Show Information
E:42 Big Wins, Comp Tips, and Confessions from Dealer X
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Opening Monologue
Big Wins from the Kentucky Derby
Listener Mailtime!
Confessions from Dealer X
Dinner with the Zorks - A Mohegan Sun Trip Report!
E:41 How To Enjoy The Kentucky Derby with Marco D’Angelo from Wagertalk.com
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Opening Monologue
How to Enjoy the Kentucky Derby and Horse Racing with Marco D’Angelo
Let Me Tell Your Future
Listener Voicemail!
E:40 Earning Casino Comps Like A Savage with CoachKitty from Travelzork.com
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Opening Monologue
Earning Casino Comps Like A Savage with Coach Kitty atom Travelzork.com
Cousin Vito’s Closing Remarks
E:39 High Limits, Full Tables, Reward Cards, Listener Voicemails, and more!
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Great Thursday Trip Report
Vito Las Vegas - Reward Cards Follow-up
Listener Voicemails
Cousin Vito’s Bachelor Bash
E:38 Talkin’ Gambling with Mark DeVol from You Can Bet on That!
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Opening Monologue
Talkin’ Gambling with Mark Devol
Dear Diary
Vito Las Vegas - Reward Cards and Cousin Vito’s Bachelor Party
E:37 The Wonderful Wizard of Odds talks Vegas and Gambling
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Opening Monologue
Casino Wins AND Gambling Confessions
The Wizard of Odds talk Vegas and Gambling
Vito Las Vegas - Las Vegas Visitors
E:36 So You Want To Be A Casino Dealer? Featuring Heather from Vegas-Aces.com
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Opening Monologue
So You Want To Be A Casino Dealer featuring Heather Ferris from Vegas-Aces.com
Vito Las Vegas - LIVE from the Peppermill with Chris from Face and Aces Las Vegas
Gambling Influences
E:35 Vegas Vacationing with Tony from 360 Vegas and Gambling Influences
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Opening Monologue
Vito Las Vegas featuring Tony from 360 Vegas Podcast
E:34 Casino Etiquette with the Annoyed Pit Boss and Late Night Eats in Vegas
Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com
Opening Monologue
Casino Etiquette with the Annoyed Pit Boss
Vito Las Vegas w/ Chris from Faces and Aces LV
E:33 Making Money on March Madness with Tommy and Adventures in Vegas with Matt Taven
Opening Monologue
Making Money on March Madness with Tommy
Vito Las Vegas w/ Matt Taven
E:32 Deals and Steals with Vegas Fanboy and Overrated Vegas
Opening Monologue
Casinos from Around the World
Deals and Steals with VEGAS FANBOY
If arriving early, is it safe to leave my bags at the hotel desk? Rumor has it the $20 room upgrade trick isn’t as effective. Do you suggest trying that, something else, or just ask?
Are there any common tourist traps that’ll squeeze somebodies wallet unsuspectingly?
Do you use the coupons in the yearly American Casino Guide? Which ones are the best? Are the gambling coupons hard to redeem?
What quick advice to you have for people just starting in MyVegas? Which redemptions are worth saving for? Which are ripoffs?
What’s your favorite “Low Rollers” meal?
If you find yourself down on your luck is there a property or game you tend to lean on?
When leaving Las Vegas do you have a schedule or ritual you stick to?
Vito Las Vegas
E:31 Las Vegas Memories with Richard Munchkin and cocktails with a view!
Opening Monologue
Riding the Wave
Gambling and Vegas with Richard Munchkin
Are you currently living in Las Vegas?
How often do you play? Sport Book? Slots? Table games?
If you could only place one game for the rest of your life what would it be?
If my dream was to get into the blackjack hall of fame, how would I go about doing this in 2017?
You have on night to live and you can spend it at any casino in the world, where do you play, stay, and dine?
What is your most memorable celebrity moment?
Best Vegas show you've ever attended?
What was you most memorable gambling session of all time?
What does the future hold for Gambling with an Edge?
When I say "the good old days" in terms of casinos, where are you, who are you with, and what are you playing?
If you could go back in time and change one specific wager, what would it be?
If you could travel back in time and tell yourself one thing what would it be?
If you could make on change to Las Vegas what would it be?
One place in Vegas you can't believe closed?
One thing you wish Las Vegas would revive?
What changes do you see coming to Vegas in the next 10 years
What do you predict for the future of the casino industry? 10 years?
What does the future hold for Gambling with an Edge
Vito Las Vegas
PEPPERMILL @mattjwerst
Hyde at Bellagio
Lounge 107 at Strat
Voodoo at Rio @JimandDerek
Mandarin Bar @vegasfanboy
House of Blues Foundation Room at Mandalay Bay
Spearmint Rhino
Skyfall at Delano
Ghost Bar at Palms
Patio Bar at 4 Queens
High Roller Bar Car @yoeleven and @facesandaceslv
Oak and Ivy @_absolut0
E:30 “Fossilman” Part 2 and Richard Munchkin gives Vegas tips! Visit www.cousinvitoscasino.com Call the show! 1 (747)Casino-1 or 1-747-227-4661 Contact the show at CousinVito@gmail.com or @VitosCasino on Twitter Please Subscribe, Rate, Review on iTunes or wherever you listen to the show! It really helps! Opening Monologue Cousin Vito elaborates on today’s show! Greg “FossilMan” Raymer Interview Part 2 MANY Tips and thoughts on the current poker world The changes in poker over the past decade What is the best poker book? AND SO MUCH MORE! Vito Las Vegas Richard Munchkin of Gambling with an Edge stops by to give Cousin Vito some premium Las Vegas travel tips! Where to eat? Where to drink? What to do?